Been playing with Redesign of site for while..
added my twitter feeds with news on tech and my life on bottom
you can now tweet your favorite content on site by clicking twitter tweet button
added Facebook like also to top and bottom
pay pal donate for me is also on bottom if you want to help with hosting fees, buying me a better phone, camera, or help with repairs my car and upgrades, or updating my computer equipment (getting old in dog/computer years lol) pay for internet access, A+ cenrtification, going to Las Vegas for CES or travel.
please check out the link for TOYS FOR TOT’s and donate at local store also
Please check out my charities links also
also My photo-gallery is pretty cool too
check out my support the troops posts and links to there sites and if you have one e-mail me a link and i will add it.
and finally check out my podcasts
you could sponsor me to go to CES 2010 and other happening in Las Vegas that week just contact me here
Feedback and Commits are welcome and
I need some equipment to possibly review also.
I am in process of writing up some new blogs, podcasts and other content.
hope to post it soon..