I traved to Blacks Beach that is close to San Diego and University
of San diego of California.  Before you go be warned there are Nudist
down there 🙁 but on top of bluff before you go down there is a really
cool Paraglide/ Handglider Place.

* warning sometimes they have to make
landing on the nude beach though..

Paragliders and Handgliders classes run about 150 to 200 dollars. 🙂

It is a great place to Visit
and get a good work out traveling down to the Beach. It has about a 4000 steps
down and another 4000 to get back out.  People are clothed traveling up and down to the Beach but be warned at the bottom they might be nude so not a beach for kido’s or modest people. Some people stayed clothed with walking and doing stuff on the beach as i did but some do not. The are normal looking people not film stars and be respectful and they will respect you. 



Driving Instructions to Blacks Bleach:

Click here for google maps link


sign warning of mudslide ect so you are warned, it

looking back up Toward the sign 2000 steps to done

looking down toword the beach 2000 steps to go


http://www.blacksbeach.com/ for more information also


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