Does Apple Itunes seem slow in TV show downloads?


Just wondering?

I been downloading few shows it seems to download at 15-45kp.

I am using wireless service Clear. 

Been helping a friend put tv/music on his Itunes player.

I tried autobaun with no speed increase.

I am using windows 7 64bit with 1 gig  of ram.

On a desktop pc that doesn't move.

I talked to cable users and they seem to get quicker downloads. 

but i ask if you do 

click read more to..




If your download speed is slow also e-mail me .

if you been able to increase it tell me what you did.

thanks and have a  great day



my machine had audio problems after being on for 1hr.

Think it could be processor or chipsit or motherboard dieing.

my machince is currently down.


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