Get Motivated! Fort Worth
a review by another paper here

My Review of Get Motivated! Fort Worth
by Michael G. aka Space

after arriving from Residence Inn by Marriott Fort Worth Cultural District.
We as group (Howard, Michael G, Robert G, Marvin and Larry went through the front doors at Fort Worth Convention Center.
I will try to put some pictures up that i took. They had 12 speakers to have us listen to. ( Some were brought/came in last minute.)
It was very nice to attend. I was lucky that a friend covered for me at job so that i could attend. Otherwise i would had to work and
miss this conference with this economy like it is and my funds how they are. I took these pictures with a cannon dsl at 1600 ISO with 50 mm lens (Don’t have larger lenses).It was dark and most pictures are from thier projection screen. I wrote all my notes on 5 subject binder no recording other than y camera pictures. I used no voice or video recording per the ticket. Didn’t ban camera..



Get Motivated! Fort Worth
Speakers as Fallows:
— What i thought the speech was about
mg — my thoughts of speeches or notes..
  1. Robert Schuler: Crystal Cathedral– cut out Word “Impossible”
  2. Rick Bozilla : Quantum CEO and formerly Microsoft and HP — Recreating yourself and personal responsibility
  3. John Walsh: America’s Most Wanted “America Fights Back”– taking back streets
  4. Colin Powell: Sec of State of USA and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989–1993)– leadership and recreating yourself
  5. Phill Town:InvestorInvest Tools and investing
  6. Tamera Lowe: She created “Get Motivated Speaker tour” and Author of: Get motivated!.– Motivational DNA
  7. George W. Bush: President of United States 1990-1998 and Texas Governor  and business man — leadership and family
  8. Terry Badshaw: NFL and NFL Football TV– comedy and NFL and leadership
  9. Dave Smith: Real Estate Investor– Real Estate, Investing and Helping one Another and Respect for Troops and Giving Back.
  10. Zig Ziglar: Motivational Speaker and Author –Speaking and Family and life challenges
  11. Rudy Giuliani: Mayor of New York on 911 — Leadership
  12. Dr. Orel Mc Dell –Health and Wellness

Read my whole article:
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Kari Michaelsen was the Host before or after a Speakers






1. Robert Schuler: Crystal Cathedral
— cut out Word “Impossible”

He recommend that we Cut the word “Impossible” out your life”
we should instead say to our selves

“Its Possible if
Its Possible when
Its Possible After”

Be ready to die for your Cause

“Possibly Thinker”


I like the commit “When you hit home runs you don’t have to Run” about his daughter.
2. Rick Bozilla : Quantum CEO and formerly Microsoft and HP
— Recreating yourself and personal responsibility

He recommend to

“Take on Tough Assignments.”

changes in time distributions and changes technology are times for Opportunity

You can re-en-vent/create  your self

Learn from things and Move on.

Never Be  A “Victim”

Believe that you be Bring Impact to your organization

Perverseness does pay off

Be “Hard Headed and Soft Hearted”

Told about his experiences with HP developing first laser under $1000 and Microsoft Xbox

3.John Walsh: America’s Most Wanted “America Fights Back”
— taking back streets

Been on Air 23 years

1 in reality TV

1091 Creeps taken off Street


“You can do this” by his Wife

“Saddle Up”

He Got the
“Adam Walsh Bill Passed”
so that Missing Children are put into FBI Database
He bulit hotels for living before his show.

4. Colin Powell:
Sec of State of USA and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989–1993)
— leadership and recreating yourself

Just another guy, “average” wife of 47 years

Would love to Bottle up Opportunity and Optisim of Average person he meets at these speeches and take it back to Washington D.C.
and wash it over the heads of congress

Missed being Sec State having a personal Plane  and making difference “It was cool”.

“Give the troops equipment, money and support”

You can touch a persons heart with notes.

“You know a leader if troops will fallow you only for curiosity.”

“World Wants to Be Free”

5. Phill Town:Investor
Invest Tools and investing

Work as a Outward Bound instructor
helped some trustees in O.B. over some heavy rapids so
as favor one taught him how to invest..

Warren Buffet student
0% rate return dissatisfied
got a 25% return
Recommends Invest Tools

Recommends using covered calls for cash flow.

Uses the 10/10 rule

not invest in 10 minutes but hold it for 10 years

buy it on sale
Use trend analyst
buy with margin of safety
buy at 50% of retail

His favorite buffet quote

1) Don’t loose money

2) Don’t forget rule one

get stock at a wonderful price
(above in my words. MG not Town)

6.Tamera Lowe: She created “Get Motivated Speaker tour” —
Author of: Get motivated!. Motivational DNA

300 people help create this event!

Her company had 3 mil attend (alot people MG)
She had some set Backs with drugs, weight, being a women.
But She made statement:
“The Past doesn’t define your yesturday”
“Decesions today decide tomarrow”
You have mil chances to succeed.
Know your Modivation
or Your Modivational DNA
with it suddening improvements
know when to use it.

Modivational DNA:

Needs or core needs




The information is really interesting but I haven’t read the book yet.
She did give us more info but i would recommend the book.
She also said all funds from sale of book goes to charity!
Modivational DNA:

We had lunch on the green carpet..
It was raining out side… Yuck
Marvin Wife braught us all sandwiches, drinks and apples
Thank You it was tasty..
Michael G. Space


7. George W. Bush:
President of United States 1990-1998 and Texas Governor  and business man
— leadership and family

Optimistic about the Future

He grew up in texas..
In texas
Pictures on Walls
in Washington D.C.
Paintings on Walls
(I added the In Texas and in Washington, M.G.)

Market Place Works!

You Can Spend Your Money Better than the Government Can!

“Always Fallow Your Conscious”

He choose the Resolute_desk (Queen Victoria gave it To USA)

looks neet, honors great leadership
know your part of something greater than yourself

he said something like thier is a great first lady here (about his wife)
then later changed it too thier are two great first ladies here ( His Wife and Mom)

Even a friend sitting to my side that didn’t vote for him does think “this speech was good” – “they all were. — MG

8. Terry Badshaw:
NFL and NFL Football TV
— comedy  and NFL and leadership

He said “Nice for Bush to open up for me..”

Learn to smile

Appreciate the small things in Life

Keep Simple in Life

“He wants you Happy”

make as many friends as you can… Always Smile and laugh

His farm is member of:

Pigs for Jesus

Feed over 8000 Families

He also ranches cattle and NFL TV.

He was really funny! MG

9. Dave Smith: Real Estate Investor
— Real Estate, Investing and
Helping one Another and Respect for Troops and Giving Back.

Doesn’t mater how start life “What maters how finish it”

How we spend our money

Don’t be a


Reality Check
900 income
1 dregree vector with that you could run into another Solar System.

You should have

“7 income Sources”

Use the Tax Code
start a business
Improve your credit
invest correctly
understand tax leans and certificates
asset protection
Retirement account
Out of debt

Live life with a Purpose

Wall Street Mess is Embarrassment

know the 7 rules of Money

He also said to Support the troops with action.
If you see a service man when traveling through a airport buying something
Buy it for them..

Also said “His sons are smarter than him.”
But he taught them how to get thier finances in order!

These above statements were from memory– MG

10. Zig Ziglar: Motivational Speaker and Author
–Speaking and Family and life challenges

I saw him in Amarlllo about 10 years ago -MG

He calls his wife SugerBaby
Married for 63 Years

Graduate from school But never Stop Learning!

took a fall 2 years ago and has his daughter to help him with is short term memory.
(i thought if I can remember anything at his age then it be awesome!
also their family seem very close!) MG

What Specifically can you do in next 3 week make your business better or worst.

Reward ME NOW Produce later — ” No it Doesm’t work that way”

Tought he did a good job.
They also had film of his earlier speeches.
11. Rudy Giuliani:
Mayor of New York on 911
— Leadership

He said
“New Your is Capital Of World”

later got grief from other mayors..(about where that was stated!)
then the Pope came in and also said it..
( he later sent Pope John Paul II speech to them after his visit to New York.)

Leaders Born or Made??


You can be a effect leader
What makes a good leader
he produces more than he makes
He help others succeed

Strong Beliefs

You have to Know where You going and Set a Destination!

He though one best politician in last 30 years
was “Ronald Regan”
me too–mg

You have to have goals
Measure your progress
Have have to be Optimism

You have to live life with Courage

Courage is Defeating Fear

You need a Team!

How to devleope a team:

Find people that know what you do not and make sure they are good at it!
Be good at what you Know– in my words ..MG

A Leader Must Communicate

You have to Love People

12. Dr. Orel Mc Dell
(his name may be misspelled i was rushed.. –MG)
–Health and Wellness
Degree  as Pharmacist

“You become what you Eat.”

take better care of ourselves start realize a wellness program

Avoid these:

1. twinkys,Ding dongs, dougnuts

2. Sugar Cerials
Your better eating the box it came in..

3.Hot dogs, sauage and bacon
he recommends: Turkey, toful meso and soy based foods

4. Potato chips (fake fat)
He recommends: baked instead
Avoid Salt

5. mayonnaise 80% fat

6. Fast food, French fries

7. Cola’s and Diet Drinks
Said its great for external use like totelet cleaner

8. Artificial Sweeteners and Aspartame

9. Margrine
use olive oil instead or hafe butter and hafe olive oil

10. Don’t eat anything advertised on Commerical Television

Six Core Principalsof Optical Health

1) Drinking water 6-20 cups daily
or weight devided by 2 (this could be off-mg rushed)

2) get back to basics and eat real Foods not Proccessed foods
Eat Colorful Foods
Apple,blue barries,pineapple ect.

3)Add more Movement to your life
try to walk 3 miles a day

4) Control Weight
was rushed so no understatements–mg

5) Get aquinted with Natural Healing
Naturalpathic Medicine or Chiropractic Care or Acupuncture

6) Get Alternative Nutrients and Supplements and Vitamins and Minerals ect


Well its over folks

anyone wanting pay me to report or travel to other events
— it be cool
did not get paid for this but i can dream, can’t I 🙂

Contact me– Click Here

We meet with few friends after it then we traveled

to Marvins for Wonderful Meal

and talked for while and headed back to Amarillo

Day started at 645 AM

Breakfest at 715 to 745 at

Residence Inn by Marriott Fort Worth Cultural District.

800 Am to 1200 Conference


100 or so tell 530 Conference

700 PM to 9 Dinner, it was good at friends

9 or so drive back to Amarillo

got to Amarillo at 245 or so.. Long day

other interesting pics:


roof cc

Roof of Convention Center thought cool

pastel Image

Kind of Pastel Image of attendies

Speaker  box plus screens

Speaker  box plus screens


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