Happy Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s day for all the mothers out there.
Now it doesn’t take a baby to be a mother.
A sister helping out her mom could be looked as mother.
A three great sisters for me watching over and helping a little brother after mothers death a long time ago became like mothers to me and now its difficult to see them as mothers themselves for a long time to. I love the adoption commercial gladney where there were 3 little ducks and a puppy dog falling the and daddy and mommy duck watching out at begening and end.
I grew up in house full of love.
I have 6 mothers now.
My mother and my three older sisters are my other mothers too.
I have 3 olders sisters and my dad remarried J and latter Married B.
I use intials because alway nice to ask first..
Happy Mother’s Day
and Have great weekend
Michael J Gulde aka space from Spacesbox.com
also one last thing…
some times mothers are just mothers to people the need help or been kind to. A few ladies along the way have been nice doing nice thing like my laundry, giving rides and giving me a ear to talk too, so Hope you have a great day