Microsoft created a Photo Sync program!
and I. D. Software showing off thier new 3d Engine
These two are really interesting in that you could see so much detail information.
Also I read these recently on
Wow Gold farming in China! Play a Game and Farm GOLD (game gold) to and turn it into real money
though it real low paying wages being China and all.
P.S. Looks like work at Mc Donalds is better paying..
Ubuntu Linux Validates As Genuine Windows
Kinda Funy being Genuine Windows is Microsoft’s way of stopping theft of software.
I truely think that Microsoft should go to a USB KEY for Valendating Windows Ownership.
Most users don’t steal and sometime don’t want to take all the time and work to Validate windows
so Microsft is telling us that we steal the OS. Microsoft is driving IT’s Customers Away. To linux or Mac OS 10.
You can watch the Video here
and you may need the Videolan Player to watch it
Click here for Windows Version
Click here for 7zip program the uncompress the file
It also works with zip, arc, rar and other formats too