1. My tweets 🙂 of late january 2011
      Google want to be your hard drive to share your documents and pics
    2. looks like all version of Windows have this Zero day bug, but does Wine? 
    3. Haven’t had date in few years it would nice to have one.. 🙂
    4. This is great for People and Egypt but who then leads the Country?http://yhoo.it/hqNhJQ
    5. Health Care shouldn’t be required but could be subsidized / take off Tax bill ect http://yhoo.it/iblAGf
    6. i don’t know if they should have released as a rumor.. I want a Win for Egypt and Win for USA http://yhoo.it/eUzTpw
    7. Photonic chips are Neat 
    8. one of the free antivirus other AVG i recommend is Avast free, nice to see the features for free users
    9. I think this is crazy apple seeding the server market to Microsoft and Linux. With all growth from Mac sales anyway
    10. also another really fun free game to play, i thought it would popular with New Tron Movie in theartres
    11. cool game 
    12. sleep for work tomaroow later
    13. just played game of warsow (quake like game) with some Russians, pretty cool how international games are now
    14. I don’t know if this bods well for United States or Israel, i hope everything works out for Egyptians and allies http://yhoo.it/dV7mb8
    15. just came across Tin Eye its pretty neat way to trak photos online give it a try
    16. Did not really know Zte even existed tell this week, but their pretty huge company manking everyone else phones
    17. looks like honeycomb might run on some android smart phones.
    18. looks like Disney is getting into Android too, kinda cool in Japan
    19. looks like another way to produce biofuels http://bit.ly/f71ioW
    20. Angry Birds Rio coming in March looks fun, another hit comminghttp://bit.ly/hF35nX



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