Services that i offer
@ Spacesbox
Currently offering Services @
Laguna Beach
Currently don’t drive so have to get to you via Bus or Walking
Pet Feeding
House Sitting
Plant Watering
Virus Removal
Adware Removal
Help you build new complete Machine Windows 7 or Windows 8
Website Creation
Oddjobs Weed pulling or ect
Prices Vary on each item please call above Phone #
Dog Walker
Walk the dog for 30 min
Walk the dog for 1 hr
buy a week or two weeks or Month
Pet Feeding :
Dog or Cat Feeding
Willing to try other animals..
I did for example take care house with Parrot, two Cats, Dog, and Snake.
House Sitting:
check your house daily or sleep at your house on
keep eye your house and animals
I come from large family. I babysitted nephews and nieces.
Plant Watering
Water your plants when your gone ect
I trained in Photography at college
My only limitation is my camera is dslr with 50mm lens and digital camera
Virus Removal
I can do this remotely with high speed internet connection together or onsite
Ad-ware Removal
I can do this remotely with high speed internet connection together or onsite
Help you build new complete Machine Windows 7 or Windows 8
Website Creation
Weed pulling
tool pooler
willing odd-job but no trained or certified