Thanks You Notes:
What is special about a Thank You and Thank You Notes. It builds a bridge between two people. It lets someone whom done you a favor know that you appriated. It trys to rebuilds connections after you left a employeer or after you gone through a application or interview process. It is a nice thing to do. It can make you both feel better for the day. After you recieved a gift it lets them know that you recieved it. It builds connections in your head to thier address and person as a whole. This is what a Thank You Note means to me. I will try to send one if i can afford it. I have access to address i will send a thank you note. I do not want to affend but to thank you for your purchase or service ect.
Thanks and have a great Day,
I been pondering my future and sometimes.
I post something like this as placeholder.
thanks and check old posts.