I would like to wish you A Very Happy and Safe New Year First.
Update 12-30-2007
Tv and Movies
Added alot shows that I love to watch so you could watch them too.
links to NBC, ABC, and CBS and some Anime japanense Animation Cartoons.
Health and Wellness
has new dieat and Kill those Carbo’s
Also don’t forget
Site Map list all content
at top Page right corner
You might notice these new Links on Bottom of website.
Plus Youtube Adsense Video’s
So I wanted to explain there use.
I am not affiliated with Soldiers Angels other than i was a angel and sent car packs to a troop in Iraq.
I think they have a good heart and good mission.
Is Electromagnetic Radiation Dangerous ? I think it could be.I also sell it. My BIOPRO Shop.
The Heart Institute for C.A.R.E. is my Dad’s Websiteand he is Fast Working on Blockbuster Book due out in this Life time.
Salvation ArmyBecause they have shelters and they help those in Need.
My Home for Sale in Your State is Property Selling Website thatI created for My brother to sell his property but he sold it before it could come online.
YouTube Adsence Player is way i could generate money.while you watch youtube Videos or click on ads. Don’t click on the Ads unless you are interested in that product or service.