Update 2-26-2010
- moved host / from sever to different server
- in proccess of possibly updating to joomla 1.5
- need to put out some new blogs
- having some issues with move related to DNS
I moved hosts, yep. I had a great friend that let me be hosted on webserver for while. I really appricated that he let me be thier. It was really nice to be able to create content and blog about various subjects while i was going through good and bad times the last few years. Thanks Dan. If you read this I mailed a thank you card to your address on your whois for caglan.net. I really haven't made anything from my websites yet. I did sell 3 sells of biopro stuff for 35$ total and adsence revenue never came in. But I try to give back with Spacesbox.com and its good for that so far.
I looking at possibly updating to newest greatest joomla. The only problem so far is my podcasts, photogallery, ect are not coporating you can goto http://www.spacesbox.com/new to see the beta site.
I really wanted to blog on various things and i plan to write a few one on: wireless phone expos and windows mobile 7 and presidents day and who are my favorite presidents, and possibly others
I don't know yet if my old host or new host are conflicting or possibly firefox seeking old host. I have changed the records at my domain provider. I really wish i could have gotten backups-files from old host but i got most of this working with a great program in joomla called joomla pack with that i used it backup and transfer my site here. but it lost some of data on some files so i still working to fix it. if you see anything use contact/feedback and drop me a note.