A repost from a E-mail i get: from Soldiers' Angels


Dear Michael & Spacesbox.com,

First let me say "THANK YOU" for making a wonderful difference in the lives of our soldiers!!! 
Second, while I know it's unusual to get a holiday message this early, there's a very good reason I'm writing at this time.
So many of America's soldiers, Marines, airmen and sailors will be spending Christmas far away from their family and loved ones.

Worse yet, the wounded will be recovering from their injuries at military hospitals… feeling homesick and very alone.

For husbands, wives, fathers and mothers separated from their spouses and children, Christmas can hurt.

But, you can bring joy and happiness to these heroes this Christmas.

Soldiers' Angels is committed to providing 180,000 WRAPPED IN HOLIDAY SPIRIT care packages to ALL of our men and women serving overseas this Christmas.

Along with a handmade blanket, each care package will include snacks, hot chocolate, a stainless steel travel mug, socks and a handwritten holiday card.

To accomplish our mission to purchase, assemble and ship thousands of WRAPPED IN HOLIDAY SPIRIT care packages halfway around the world… we need to start preparing now.

And the only way Soldiers' Angels can complete a job of this magnitude is to enlist the help of patriotic, caring Americans like you who support our troops.

I believe you are that kind of person.

Don't worry, I'm not asking you to sew a single stitch. But I am asking for your urgent financial support so we can send all 180,000 care packages overseas.

Each care package costs about $25. I'm hoping you can send at least that much.

A WRAPPED IN HOLIDAY SPIRIT care package can really boost a soldier's spirits.

Knowing they are loved and that their sacrifices are appreciated means so much to these brave men and women.

That's why your support is so critical.

Our soldiers need to hear from you – especially during the holidays. Please help a soldier who won't be home this Christmas.

You can help by sending your most generous contribution today. To donate now please click here

You and I have a great opportunity to bring joy into a soldier's life this Christmas day.

No soldier should go unloved… especially during the holiday season.

Thanks again! I know our troops will love the WRAPPED IN HOLIDAY SPIRIT care packages you will help send.

Please help in any way you can.


Patti Sig   

Patti Patton-Bader

or mail Check here:
1792 East Washington Blvd.

Pasadena, CA  91104
(626) 398-3131


If you have difficulty using the link above to donate, please copy and paste the link below into your browser:  

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